Today I started to clean out the room that will become the nursery. I cleaned out the closets in both the dogs' room (which will become the guest room) and the guest room (which will become the nursery) and combined everything into the closet in the dogs' room. It all fit! I also measured and designed how I want the guest room to be set up. Now all we need to do is take apart the bed in the dog's room and clean the carpet in there so we can move the furniture in. George spent the day working on the outside of the house and cleaning the garage.
We haven't decided whether or not we will repaint the nursery. It is already a khaki-ish color so we could leave it if we wanted to. It was painted right before we moved in a little over 3 years ago, so it is fairly new paint as well. I guess when the bedding comes in we can see if it goes or if we need to change the paint.
We ordered the bedding set yesterday. It should be here in a week or so! Now we need to decide what furniture we are going to go with. It feels like things are finally getting moving!
okay, that set could not be any cuter. how exciting!!!
I LOVE it!! That's sooo cute!
(this is Elizabeth, btw)
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