Friday, September 19, 2008

My little monkey

I have decided that Myers must be part jumping bean or a monkey swinging on the umbilical cord or a soccer player in the making! He is moving all of the time now and I can feel him even when I get busy at school (less than a week ago I only felt him when I was sitting or laying still). Everything I have read says that babies are most active between weeks 24 and 28 because they are still small enough to move around freely yet big enough for you to feel them move. It's nice to feel him move b/c I know he is okay in there. I am sure soon he will be keeping me up at night with all of his movements and I will wish for a break, but it will be good training for when he is here and waking me up with his crying at night!

Yesterday I went into Gymboree just to look and they were having a sale, so of course I had to buy something! I bought a cute little shirt that says "Mommy's little monkey" and pants to go with it. The pants have a little monkey that fits into the pocket. It was too cute to pass up!

George mentioned last night that he is getting really excited about Myers's arrival. He said up until this point he has been exicted, but mostly nervous. I think he is worried that he won't know what to do with a baby, but he is so good with kids. When we work the church nursery all the babies always love him because of the silly faces he makes. Plus it will be a learning experience for both of us because although I have worked with babies and kids a lot, I of course have never had an infant to take care of 24/7!

Tomorrow Mom and I are going to the Baby Expo that is at the Cobb Galleria, so hopefully we will find some good stuff and possibly some ideas for furniture.


blessedjourney said...

I had fun today, looking at all that cute baby stuff!

Samantha said...

how exciting!!!!! oh my gosh, i'm so excited for you!!! you sound like you're having a blast!!

Sharon said...

Kristin, I love your blog! The baby bedding is adorable. Gosh, it sounds like you had a very busy weekend. Hope you found some great things at the Expo. When I was pregnant with Dan, Ken and I went to an Expo in Dallas and bought this really great bathtub insert. Couldn't wait to try it - spent a lot of $$ on it but just had to have didn't fit in our bathtub - drats! I was so mad but we ended up being able to use to wash the dogs :)

Love, Sharon